Saturday 24 November 2012

that one admirer...

In our lives, each one of us has had that one admirer whose admiration... we were simply not interested in ! But this stubborn admirer refused to give up and relentlessly continued in his efforts to conquer this one sided  battle of love.

I too had one such innocent admirer who resides in my neighborhood. In order to protect his fan base, I would refer to him as the 'Silly Lad'. So 'Silly Lad' first met me at a wedding function in my housing society. A common friend introduced me to the innocent gentleman while another brainless friend passed on my mobile number, like any other toll free service, to Mr Silly Lad.

As expected, a series of  forwarded Santa-Banta jokes started flooding my message inbox apart from of course, the daily 'Good Morning', 'Good Afternoon', 'Good Night' messages. After enduring 'Silly Lad's' messaging spree for a while, I requested my brainless friend to step in with some counselling advice for my admirer. Finally, the messages stopped and I was beginning to believe that 'Silly Lad' had finally bumped into his 'Silly Lady' and they were living 'happily ever after.'

But, my joy was short lived. A week later there was a new message. 'Hey !! Were you at the petrol pump this morning ? Grey Swift ? Were you wearing a purple shirt ?'

I missed seeing him at the petrol pump and thanked my stars for the same. As far as the message was concerned, I chose to ignore but Silly Lad wasn't ready to give up so soon.

'Hey ! I know that was you.. Coffee ? Tomorrow ?'

I have always wondered about the trick 'coffee' plays in breaking the ice between two strangers ? Why not water or even better, Green Tea ? In any case, coffee with Silly Lad was not in my itinerary.

The next day, another message. 'You didn't reply.. I was waiting to enjoy a cuppa coffee with you. Today, I am very sad :(' while I now believed that Silly Lad was totally MAD !

Since then, I have been earnestly praying for Silly Lad's wisdom to manifest. Santa Banta jokes still arrive once in a while but I am clear about not wanting to have any intake of caffeine with this one admirer.. By the way, who is the 'Silly Lad' in your life ? :)


  1. Hahahahaha iss silly led free darling??im too free i can hava cuppa coffee wid him thn he will nt be sad.....n i tok hav a purpal shirt hahahahahaha.......grat read....looking forward for more things like this from u.

  2. Hahahahaha is silly led free darling coz im free i cn hav cuppa coffee wid him hahahaha.....great read n looking forward to see more. Keep writing.

    1. Thanks dear.. haha.. Will meet you and share details ;) thanks for ur encouragement :)
